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The Wiccan Rede

Bide ye Wiccan laws ye must,
In perfect love and perfect trust.

Live and let live---
Fairly take and fairly give

Cast the circle thrice about,
To keep all negativity out.

To bind ye spell every time,
Let ye spell be spake in rhyme.

Soft of eye, light of touch,
Speak ye little, listen much.

Deosil go by the waxing moon,
Sing an’ dance the Witches Rune.

Widdershins go when the Moon doth wane,
An’ the werewolf howls at the dread wolfs bane.

When the Lady’s Moon is new,
Kiss your hand to her times two.

When the Moon rides at Her peak,
Then your hearts desire seek.

Heed the North wind’s mighty gale,
Lock the door and drop the sail.

When the wind comes from the South,
Love with kiss thee on thy mouth.

When the wind blows from the east,
Expect the new and set the feast.

When the west wind blows o’er thee,
Departed spirits restless be.

Nine woods in the cauldron go,
Burn them fast and burn them slow.

Elder be ye Lady’s tree,
Burn it not or cursed ye’ll be.

When the wheel begins to turn,
Let the Beltane fires burn.

When the wheel has turned a Yule,
Light the log an’ let Pan rule.

Heed ye flower, bush, and tree---
By the Lady Blessed Be.

Where the rippling waters go
Cast a stone an’ truth ye’ll know

When ye have need,
Hearken not to others greed.

With the fool no season spend,
Lest ye be counted as his friend.

Merry ye Meet and Merry ye Part,
Bright the cheeks an’ warm the heart.

Mind the Threefold Law ye should,
Three times bad and three times good.

Ever mind the Law of Three,
Lest in self defense it be.

When misfortune is enow,
Wear the blue star upon thy brow.

True in love ever be,
Unless thy lover is false to thee.

Eight words the Wiccan Rede doth fulfill,
“An’ harm it none, do what thou will.”

Three-fold Law:


"All good that a person does to another returns three-fold in this life; harm is also returned three-fold."

A Wiccan could design a spell to make a specific person fall in love with her/him. That would be a negative spell, because its intent, goal and effect would be manipulative -- to control the other person for the benefit of the spell caster. A Wiccan cannot ethically perform such a spell.

A Wiccan could design a general spell to make a specific person more open to love in their life. That again is excessively manipulative. The target person could be trying to avoid romantic relationships at this stage in their life, for whatever reason. However, this type of spell might be allowable, if the Wiccan first obtained the permission of the target of the spell.

A Wiccan who is desirous of starting a romantic relationship could cast a spell to make themselves more open to love in their life. That would not  manipulate anyone else; it would not harm others; it would not harm the spell caster.

The Witches Rune

Darksome night and shining moon
Harken to the Witches Rune
East then South, West then North
Here come I to call thee forth.
By all the powers of land and sea
Be obedient unto me.
Wand and pentacle, cup and sword
Harken ye unto my word
Cords and censor, scourge and knife
Waken all ye into life
Powers of the witches blade
Come ye as the charge is made.
Queen of heaven, field and hell
Send your aid unto this spell.
Horned hunter of the night
Work my will by magick rite.
By all the might of moon and sun
As I do will, it shall be done
By all the powers of land and sea
As I say, so mote it be.

Thirteen Goals of a Witch

    I. Know yourself
  II. Know your Craft
III. Learn
  IV. Apply knowledge with wisdom
   V. Achieve balance
  VI. Keep your words in good order
VII. Keep your thoughts in good order
VIII. Celebrate life
   IX. Attune with the cycles of the Earth
    X. Breathe correctly
   XI. Exercise the body
  XII. Meditate
XIII. Honor the God and Goddess

The Charge of the God

Listen to the words of the Horned God,
The Guardian of all things wild and free,
and Keeper of the Gates of Death,
whose Call all must answer:
I am the fire within your heart...
The yearning of your Soul.
I am the Hunter of Knowledge
and the Seeker of the Holy Quest;
I who stand in the darkness of light;
I am He whom you have called Death.
I am the Consort and Mate of Her we adore,
call forth to me.
Heed my call beloved ones,
come unto me and learn
the secrets of death and peace.
I am the corn at harvest
and the fruit on the trees.
I am He who leads you home.
Scourge and Flame,
Blade and Blood
these are mine
and gifts to thee.
Call unto me in the forest wild
and on hilltop bare
and seek me in the Darkness Bright.
I who have been called; Pan, Herne, Osiris ,and Hades,
speak to thee in thy search.
Come dance and sing;
come live and smile,
for behold: this is my worship.
You are my children
and I am thy Father.
On swift night wings
it is I who lay you at the Mother's feet
to be reborn and to return again.
Thou who thinks to seek me,
know that I am the untamed wind,
the fury of storm and passion in your Soul.
Seek me with pride and humility,
but seek me best with love and strength.
For this is my path,
and I love not the weak and fearful.
Hear my call on long Winter nights
and we shall stand together
guarding Her Earth as She sleeps.


Listen to the words of the Great Mother,
who of old was called Artemis, Astarte, Aphrodite,
Cerridwen, Diana, Isis, Brigid and by many other names.
Whenever you have need of anything,
once in the month, and better it be when the moon is full,
you shall assemble in some secret place
and adore the spirit of me, who is Queen of all Witches.
There shall you assemble, who have not yet won
my deepest secrets and are fain to learn all sorceries.
To these shall I teach that which is yet unknown.
You shall be free from slavery,
and as a sign that you are free,
you shall be naked in your rites.
Sing, feast, dance, make music and love,
all in my presence, for mine is the ecstasy of the spirit
and mine is also joy on Earth, for my law is love unto all beings.
Mine is the secret that opens upon the door of youth,
and mine is the cup of wine of life
that is the Cauldron of Cerridwen that is the holy grail of immortality.
I am the Great Goddess who gives the gift of youth
unto the heart of mankind.
I give the knowledge of the spirit eternal
and beyond death I give peace and freedom
and reunion with those that have gone before.
Nor do I demand aught of sacrifice,
for behold I am the Mother of all things
and my love is poured on the Earth.
Hear the words of the Star Goddess,
the dust of whose feet are the hosts of heaven,
whose body encircles the Universe.
"I who am the beauty of the green earth
and the white Moon among the stars
and the mysteries of the waters.
I call upon your soul to arise and come unto me,
for I am the soul of nature that gives life to the Universe.
From me all things proceed and to me they must return.
Let my worship be in the heart that rejoices for behold -
all acts of love and pleasure are my rituals.
Let there be beauty and strength,
power and compassion,
honour and humility,
mirth and reverence within you.
And you who seek to know me,
know that your seeking and yearning will avail you not,
unless you know the mystery,
for if that which you seek you find not within yourself,
you will never find it without.
For behold, I have been with you from the beginning,
and I am that which is attained at the end of desire."

Witches Ethics

1) We practice rites to attune ourselves with the natural rhythm of life forces marked by the phases of the Moon and the seasonal Quarters and Cross Quarters.

2) We recognize that our intelligence gives us a unique responsibility toward our environment. We seek to live in harmony with Nature, in ecological balance offering fulfillment to life and consciousness within an evolutionary concept.

3) We acknowledge a depth of power far greater that that apparent to the average person. Because it it far greater than ordinary it is sometimes called "supernatural", but we see it as lying within that which is naturally potential to all.

4) We conceive of the Creative Power in the universe as manifesting through polarity--as masculine and feminine--and that this same Creative Power lies in all people, and functions through the interaction of the masculine and feminine. We value neither above the other, knowing each to be supportive of the other. We value sex as pleasure, as the symbol and embodiment of life, and as one of the sources of energies used in magickal practice and religious worship.

5) We recognize both outer worlds and inner, or psychological, worlds sometimes known as the Spiritual World, the Collective Unconscious, Inner Planes, etc.--and we see in the inter-action of these two dimensions the basis for paranormal phenomena and magickal exercises. We neglect neither dimension for the other, seeing both as necessary for our fulfillment.

6) We do not recognize any authoritarian hierarchy, but do honor those who teach, respect those who share their greater knowledge and wisdom, and acknowledge those who have courageously given of themselves in leadership.

7) We see religion, magick and wisdom in living as being united in the way one views the world and lives within it--a world view and philosophy of life which we identify as Witchcraft--the Wiccan Way.

8) Calling oneself "Witch" does not make a Witch--but neither does heredity itself, nor the collecting of titles, degrees and initiations. A Witch seeks to control the forces within him/herself that make life possible in order to live wisely and well without harm to others and in harmony with Nature.

9) We believe in the affirmatino and fulfillment of life in a continuation of evolution and development of consciousness giving meaning to the Universe we know and our personal role within it.

10) Our only animosity towards Christianity, or towards any other religion or philosophy of life, is to the extent that its institutions have claimed to be 'the only way' and have sought to deny freedom to others and to suppress other ways of religious practice and belief.

11) As American Witches, we are not threatened by debates on the history of the Craft, the origins of various terms, the legitimacy of various aspects of different traditions. We are concerned with our present and future.

12) We do not accept the concept of absolute evil, nor do we worship any entity known as 'Satan' or 'the Devil' as defined by the Christian tradition. We do not seek power through the suffering of others, nor accept that personal benefit can be derived only by denial to another.

13) We believe that we should seek within Nature that which is contributory to our health and well-being.

The 13 Principles of Wiccan Belief:
1.     We practice rites to attune ourselves with the natural rhythm of life forces marked by the phases of the Moon and the seasonal Quarters and Cross Quarters.


2.     We recognize that our intelligence gives us a unique responsibility toward our environment.  We seek to live in harmony with nature in ecological balance offering fulfillment to life and consciousness within an evolutionary concept.


3.     We acknowledge a depth of power far greater than that apparent to the average person.  Because it is far greater than ordinary it is sometimes called ‘supernatural’, but we see it as lying within that which is naturally potential to all.


4.     We conceive of the Creative Power in the universe as manifesting through polarity – as masculine and feminine – and that this same Creative Power lies in all people and functions through the interaction of the masculine and the feminine.  We value neither above the other knowing each to be supportive of the other.  We value sex as pleasure as the symbol and embodiment of life, and as one of the sources of energy used in magical practice and religious worship.


5.     We recognize both outer worlds and inner, or psychological worlds sometimes known as the Spiritual World, the Collective Unconsciousness, the Inner Planes etc – and we see in the interaction of these two dimensions the basis for paranormal phenomena and magical exercises.  We neglect neither dimension for the other, seeing both as necessary for our fulfillment.


6.     We do not recognize any authoritarian hierarchy, but do honor those who teach, respect those who share their greater knowledge and wisdom, and acknowledge those who have courageously given of themselves in leadership.


7.     We see religion, magick and wisdom in living as being united in the way one views the world and lives within it – a world view and philosophy of life which we identify as Witchcraft – the Wiccan Way.


8.     Calling oneself ‘Witch’ does not make a Witch – but neither does heredity itself, nor the collecting of titles, degrees and initiations.  A Witch seek to control the forces within her/himself that make life possible in order to live wisely and without harm to others and in harmony with nature.


9.     We believe in the affirmation and fulfillment of life in a continuation of evolution and development of consciousness giving meaning to the Universe we know and our personal role within it.


10.Our only animosity towards Christianity, or towards any other religion or philosophy of life, is to the extent that its institutions have claimed to be ‘the only way’ and have sought to deny freedom to others and to suppress other ways of religious practice and belief.


11. As American Witches, we are not threatened by debates on the history of the craft, the origins of various terms, the legitimacy of various aspects of different traditions.  We are concerned with our present and our future.


12.We do not accept the concept of absolute evil, nor do we worship any entity known as ‘Satan’ or ‘the Devil’ as defined by Christian tradition.  We do not seek power through the suffering of others, nor accept that personal benefit can be derived only by denial to another.


13.We believe that we should seek within Nature that which is contributory to our health and well-being.

The Witches Creed

Hear now the word of the Witch,
the secrets once hid in the night,
When darkness was for protection,
We now bring forth in the light.

Mysteries of the Water and Fire,
The Earth and the wide-ranging Air,
By hidden Quintessence we know them,
and we bring honor in silence and fair.

The birth and rebirth of all Nature,
the passing of Winter and Spring,
We share with the life Universal,
rejoicing in the never-ending Ring

Four times in the year we give homage,
come forth the Witches are seen,
At Lammas and Candelmas we're dancing,
so too on May Eve and old Halloween

When daytime and nighttime are equal,
when sun is at it's greatest and least,
The four lesser Sabbats are summoned,
again the Witches gather in feast.

Thirteen silver moons in a year,
thirteen to be the magickal array,
Thirteen times at Esbat we make merry,
for the work of the night and the day.

The knowledge has passed down the ages,
each time between woman and man
Each century unto the other,
old times since the ages began.

When drawn in the Magikal circle,
by sword or athame of light,
Its compass between two worlds opens,
in honor and love for this night.

Our world has no right to know it,
and the world beyond will tell naught,
The oldest of Gods are invoked there,
the great work of light's Magik is wrought.

For two are the mystical pillars,
that stand at the gate of the shrine,
And two are the powers of Nature,
the forms and the forces divine.

Do what thou wilt be the challenge,
so be it in love that harms none,
For this is the only commandment,
By wisdom of faith so let it be done.

In these words the Witches Creed fulfills:
An' harm it none, Do what Thou Will!

The Law of Magick

The Law of Knowledge
This is probably the most widely used law, and probably encompasses all the others in some way. The basis of this law is that understanding brings control. The more that is known about a subject, the easier it is to excercise control over it. Knowledge is power.

The Law of Self-Knowledge

An obvious derivative of the Law of Knowledge, this law carries additional connotations, as a mage who does not have knowledge of himself does not have knowledge (and therefore control) of his own magic. This law is one of the reason's "evil" mages are very rare - a dedication to "evil for evil's sake" is usually do to a lack of introspection and awareness of oneself. It is difficult to do harm to others when you understand fully what that kind of harm would do to you. Know thyself.

The Law of Cause and Effect

A simple scientific understanding - if exactly the same actions are done under exactly the same conditions, they will be associated with exactly the same results. Magicians have at least as much belief in cause and effect as modern physicists do, they just realize that a good ritual, like a good theatrical performance or a good bread recipe, isn't always predictable. In truth, a spell involves so many variables, that controlling or even understanding them all is impossible. The key to magical success is learning which variables are the most important, and how to keep them constant. Control over the variables is icing on the cake.

The Law of Synchronicity
Two or more events happening at the same time are likely to have more in common than the merely temporal. Very few events ever happen in isolation from other events. There is no such thing as a mere coincidence.

The Law of Association
If any two pattern have elements in common, the patterns interact "through" those common elements, and control of one pattern facilitates control of the other(s) depending (among other factors) upon the number of ccommon elements involved. This is a very important law, up there with the Law of Knowledge.

The Law of Similarity
Having an accurate physical or mental representation of something facilitates control over it. This one is fairly obvious in it's usage - having a model, picture, or other representation of your target (like a voodoo doll) gives you power to effect the target. Look alikes are alike.

The Law Of Contagion

Objects or beings in physical contact with each other continue to interact after separation. Everyone you have ever touched has a magical link with you, though it is probably pretty weak unless the contact was intense and/or prolonged or repeated frequently. Magical power is contagious. Naturally,
having a part of someone's body (nails, hair, saliva & other bodily secretions etc.) gives the best contagion link.

The Law of Names

Knowing the complete and true name of an object, being, or process gives one complete control over it. This works because a name is a definition as well as a contagion link, and an association (if you call something by the same name over and over, that name eventually becomes associated with the thing). This also works, because knowing the complete and true name of something or someone means that you have achieved a complete understanding of it's or their nature. This is why, in most pre-industrial cultures, people are given "secret names", as well as "public names", and why the sharing of a secret name is such an act of trust - because the secret name is considered to be very close to, if not identical with, the person's true name.

The Law of Words of Power

There exist certain words that are able to alter the internal and external realities of those uttering them, and the power may rest in the very sounds of the words as much as their meanings. Many of such words are names, though the meanings may have been lost or forgotten. Very many magical tools require words to be inscribed upon them and/or said over them during their construction and/or use.

The Law of Personification

Any phenomenon may be considered to be alive and to have a personality - that is, to "be" an entity or being. Anything can be a person. Most weather mages personify the winds and the clouds, for example, and thus find focussing their magic on the atmosphere much easier to do.

The Law of Invocation

It is possible to establish internal communication with entities from either inside or outside oneself, said entities seeming to be inside of oneself during the communication process.

The Law of Evocation
It is possible to establish external communication with entities from either inside or outside oneself, said entities seeming to be outside oneself during the communication process.

The Law of Identification

It is possible through maximum association between elements of oneself and those of another being to actually become that being, to the point of sharing it's knowledge and wielding it's power. This is the law that controls most lengthy or permanent possession phenomena.

The Law of Personal Universes

Every sentient being lives in and quite possibly creates a unique universe which can never be 100% identical to that lived in by another. So called "reality" is in fact a matter of consensus opinions. This law is nowhere near as obvious as the other laws in it's applications, but if you can figure some out, you can use it.

The Law of Infinite Universes
The total number of universes into which all possible combinations of existing phenomena could be organized is infinite. Anything is possible, though some things are more probable than others. You might consider this to refer to the "alternate probability worlds" of science fiction, but it also has a much wider application.

The Law Of Pragmatism

If a pattern of belief or behavior enables a being to survive and to accomplish chosen goals, then that belief or behavior is "true" or "real" or "sensible". If it works, it's true. Another rather obscure law, but it does have some very useful applications.

The Law of True Falsehoods

It is possible for a concept or act to violate the truth patterns of a given personal universe and still be "true", provided that it "works" in a specific situation. If it's a paradox, it's still probably true. This law is basically useless, except to justify use of the above three laws without screwing things up in your version of the real world.

The Law of Synthesis

The synthesis of two or more "opposing" patterns of data will produce a new pattern that will be truer than either of the first two were. That is, it will be applicable to more levels of reality, and this new pattern may not be a compromise, but may be something rather new indeed.

The Law of Polarity

Any pattern of data can be split into (at least) two "opposing" characteristics, and each will contain the essence of the other within itself.

The Law of Opposites

A sub-law of polarity. The "opposite" of a pattern contains information about that pattern, by providing information on what the pattern is not. Thus, control over a pattern's opposite (or close to it's opposite) facilitates control over the pattern itself. (Note that this one I alone take the blame for, as it is my own extension of polarity and similarity)

The Law of Dynamic Balance

To survive, let alone to become powerful, one must keep every aspect of one's universe in a state of dynamic balance with every other aspect. Extremism is dangerous, as the extreme being becomes so associated with the extreme aspect, that they lose the ability to avoid that aspect at all. This is another reason "evil" mages are rare, as continuous association with pain or death will cause a mage pain or death, ending the mage's ability to continue actively with "evil". This is also why "good" mages, especially healers, tend to live a long time.

The Law of Perversity

Sometimes known as Murphy's Law. If anything can go wrong, it will, and in the most annoying manner possible. Magical associations sometimes operate in the reverse of what was desired, and meaningful coincidences are just as likely to be unpleasant as pleasant. Even if nothing can go wrong, some element of the universe may change so that things will go wrong anyway. Whether we like it or not, the gods (or fates, or what have you) do have a sense of humor. Emotionally healthy mages have less problems with this law than others do, as the mages own subconscious mind is probably a major perpetrator of this law.

The Law of Unity
Every phenomena in existance is linked directly or indirectly to every other one, past, present, or future. Perceived seperations between phenomena are based on incomplete sensing and/or understanding.

The Law of Power

1. The power shall not be used to bring harm, to injure or control any other being or creature. But, if the need arises, the Power shall be used to protect your life or the lives of others.

2. The Power is used only as the need dictates.

3. The Power can be used for your own gain, as long as by doing so you harm none.

4. It is unwise to accept money for the use of the Power, for it quickly controls its taker. Be not as those of other religions.

5. Use not the Power for prideful gain, for such cheapens the mysteries of Wicca and magick.

6. Ever remember that the Power is a sacred gift of the Goddess and God, and should Never be misused or abused in any way.

7. And this is the Law of the Power.

These are helpful in the evaluation of a spell or just to study the philosophy of Wicca.
 The Law of Knowledge- to affect a thing you must know that thing. The Law of Names- to know the true name of a thing is to have power over that thing. And to give something a name gives it power. The Law of Contagion- anything that has been in contact with something else maintains contact with that thing. The Law of Association- if a thing reminds you of something else, it can be used as a simulacrum for that something else for magical purposes. The Law of Polarity- everything contains and implies its opposite. The Law of Identification- by your will you may become anything. The Law of Invocation- there are forces outside you that you can tap. The Law of Evocation- there are forces inside you that you can tap. The Law of Infinite Data- there is more in the universe than we can sense or know, learning never stops. The Law of Infinite Universes- Change your perspective and you change your universe. There are always three choices available. The Law of Cause and Effect- the same actions performed under exactly the same conditions will always produce the same results. The Law of Pragmatism- If it works, it is true.


Principles of Magic


Users of magic have codified a number of rules which generally define the ways in which magic behaves.

Principle of Aspected Matter - For every aspect of magic there exists an associated magical form of matter. This form has a completely pure state that is not obtainable by normal matter. It may have various properties that are different from non-aspected matter. Matter of the four elemental aspects (Earth, Air, Fire, and Water) is relatively easy to create. Nature matter is a little harder to create, Chaos matter is moderately difficulat to create (and dangerous), and Magic matter is the hardest. Chaos matter is fairly easy to create, but extremely unstable and dangerous. Aspected matter is fairly unstable, and must be magically maintained or it will cease to exist.

Principle of Extra Effort - All spells are designed at some optimum and common casting configuration. The caster may choose to attempt certain shortcuts that reduce the casting time or increase the range, radius of effect, or duration. This will always increase the difficulty of the spell. Some spells are also designed to allow a decrease in range, radius of effect, or duration. This will always decrease the difficulty of the spell.

Principle of Focus - It is possible to create items that contain a portion of the caster’s life force. Such an item is called a focus, and it usually serves to magnify certain magical effects. Most foci are very personal in nature, and can only be used by the creator of the item, however it is possible (with greater difficulty) to create items that are usable by others. Since each focus created by a person holds a portion of the creator’s life force, it becomes increasingly difficult to create additional foci. Fortunately, the destruction of a focus causes the stored life force to be returned to the creator. A focus is always considered an essential component of its creator (see the Principle of Targeting).

Principle of Immutable Time - What has happened in the past can not be changed. Even if it could be changed, the only result would be the creation of a divergent timeline with no connection to the present. The future is unstable, and can not always be predicted reliably.

Principle of Insufficient Control - The manipulation of magical energies to cast a spell is a difficult and inexact process. If sufficient care and skill are not applied to the casting process, the caster will lose control of the magical energies. When this happens, the magical energies are released in some fashion which may not be predicted, and which is guaranteed to both have a negative effect for the caster and to not accomplish the effect that the caster was trying to achieve. Conversely, the caster may accidentally achieve a result that is better than intended. This will tend to have a specific and predictable effect because the magical energies have been successfully forced into a particular direction by the caster’s efforts.

Principle of Interference - All spells with a duration greater than instant create a disturbance in the mana field around the target of the spell. This disturbance lasts for the duration of the spell, and immediately vanishes when the spell stops. This interference makes it more difficult for other spells to use the same target.

Principle of Lingering Effects - All spells have an effect over some period of time. Of course, for some spells, this period is so short as to be effectively zero. During a spell’s duration, it is considered to be active. When the spell’s reaches the end of it’s duration, all unnatural effects cease. Some effects of a spell may linger after a spell becomes inactive. For instance, if a fireball is cast, the spell becomes inactive at the moment the explosion begins. The mundane effects include the damaging burst of fire and all secondary effects of the blast. A spell that is somehow prematurely inactivated will immediately cease to have any magical effects. Any lingering effects will remain as usual.

Principle of Mindset - All spells that affect the mind or emotions of a thinking target can more easily take effect the closer the target’s current mindset is to controlling mindset of the spell’s primary aspect. In other words, if using an Earth aspect spell that causes sleep, a target who is happy (Air aspect) will have a much greater chance to resist than one who is depressed (Void aspect).

Principle of Opposition - Spells from opposed aspects with opposed effects tend to cancel each other out. Spells from related aspects with opposed effects will be much more likely to merge gracefully. Spells from the same aspect with opposed effects will tend to co-exist without difficulty. Spells from unassociated aspects (neither opposite nor related) with opposed effects can interact in a wide variety of ways.

Principle of Personal Energy - The casting of all spells requires the expenditure of some amount of personal energy and effort. In some cases, the amount required is small enough to be negligible. This may not be avoided in any way, and is a direct price that must be paid for the manipulation of magical energies.

Principle of Process - There are many ways to accomplish the same effect. The aspect(s) of a spell are determined not by the result of the spell, but by the process that is taken to achieve the result. For example, a spell could cause someone to fly by causing them to grow wings (a Nature aspect), or they could be caused to fly by reducing their weight and moving them with a localized wind (an Air aspect). The process by which a spell achieves its effect may give some indication as to the results of attempted interference with the spell. No spell may be created using a process that is not completely understood by the creator.

Principle of Similarity - Sometimes a spell becomes easier to cast if a specific mundane object is consumed by the energies of the spell. Such an object is usually called a component. Objects that have some functional or primal tie to the desired process or effects of the spell are required for such a result. Objects with more power to effect spell casting in this way tend to be more rare in the world. For example, a spell to create a wall of fire might be designed to require the use of some source of fire within the area of effect. Another spell creating a wall of fire might be designed to require the use of a nearby source of lava. All other aspects of the two spells being equal, the second spell will be easier to cast.

Principle of Spell Traces - Any spell leaves behind indications of its existence upon the very flow of essence. These traces always remain at the initial location of the target of the spell, and never move. With time, they slow fade and become indistinguishable from the normal flow of essence. A spell trace is unique to a given spell and caster. Innumerable circumstances may also affect the appearance of a spell trace. If someone is able to see and comprehend essence flows, they are able to see spell traces.

Principle of Targeting - All spells must be directly targeted in some way. In most cases, this means that the caster must have a line of sight to the target. In the case of spells that target the caster or something the caster is touching, no visual connection with the target is needed. There are a number of ways to circumvent this principle. The most common method would be to use various forms of magical scrying to view the target. Some spells also make use of an essential component of the target. This is something that was once a part of the target, or was once tied to the target in some way, usually through prolonged close contact or emotional ties.

In Buddhist teaching, the law of karma, says only this: `for every event that occurs, there will follow another event whose existence was caused by the first, and this second event will be pleasant or unpleasant according as its cause was skillful or unskillful.' A skillful event is one that is not accompanied by craving, resistance or delusions; an unskillful event is one that is accompanied by any one of those things. (Events are not skillful in themselves, but are so called only in virtue of the mental events that occur with them.)
Therefore, the law of Karma teaches that responsibility for unskillful actions is born by the person who commits them.
Let's take an example of a sequence of events. An unpleasant sensation occurs. A thought arises that the source of the unpleasantness was a person. (This thought is a delusion; any decisions based upon it will therefore be unskillful.) A thought arises that some past sensations of unpleasantness issued from this same person. (This thought is a further delusion.) This is followed by a willful decision to speak words that will produce an unpleasant sensation in that which is perceived as a person. (This decision is an act of hostility. Of all the events described so far, only this is called a karma.) Words are carefully chosen in the hopes that when heard they will cause pain. The words are pronounced aloud. (This is the execution of the decision to be hostile. It may also be classed as a kind of karma, although technically it is an after-karma.) There is a visual sensation of a furrowed brow and downturned mouth. The thought arises that the other person's face is frowning. The thought arises that the other person's feelings were hurt. There is a fleeting joyful feeling of success in knowing that one has scored a damaging verbal blow. Eventually (perhaps much later) there is an unpleasant sensation of regret, perhaps taking the form of a sensation of fear that the perceived enemy may retaliate, or perhaps taking the form of remorse on having acted impetuously, like an immature child, and hping that no one will remember this childish action. (This regret or fear is the unpleasant ripening of the karma, the unskillful decision to inflict pain through words.)
If there are no persons at all, then there is no self and no other. There is no distinction between pain of which there is direct sensual awareness (which is conventionally called one's own pain) and pain that is known through inference (conventionally called another person's pain). Whether pain is known directly or indirectly, there is either an urge to quell it or an urge to cultivate it. Whether joy is known directly or indirectly, there is either an urge to nourish it or to quell it. In the conventional language of speaking of events personally, the urge to quell all pain and to nourish all joy is known as being ethical or skillful or (if you like) good. The urge to nourish pain and quell joy is known as being unskillful, unethical or bad.
Being fully ethical is said to be impossible for those who make a distinction between self and other and show preference for the perceived self over the perceived other, for such perceptions inhibit being fully responsive. Being fully ethical is possible only for those who realize that all persons are empty, that is, devoid of personhood. .
The early years of your life tend to be the most karma-filled. Adolescence is often the most intense time of all in a life. The hormonal and developmental changes tend to accentuate the difficulties of that period and facilitate a climate wherein much karma can be played out. This is also the time when you experiment with the different chief negative features: self-destruction, greed, self-deprecation, arrogance, martyrdom, impatience, and stubbornness. Generally by about the age of 21 you select one of them to settle down with. After the age of 30, karmic intensity is greatly reduced. There are exceptions to this, as is the case with those people experiencing lifetimes at the sixth level of any stage (heavy karma balancing), and those with a goal of growth.
How Karma Repayment Works
Karma is supervised and organized by essence. Often the personality knows nothing of the purpose and impending unfoldment of the karma. There is good reason for this. False personality often operates out of fear. If your conscious personality knew that an intensely painful karma were about to occur with someone, it would run as fast as possible in the opposite direction, thus avoiding the repayment or the lesson that essence had in mind. Your personality usually feels like a victim in karmic situations. Essence planned the karma repayment without flinching. Even when you are an old soul you need this benevolent amnesia to meet your more difficult karma.
As mentioned earlier, karma usually comes with no warning even though it is essence directed. It frequently comes like a freight train rounding the bend and coming down the tracks with inexorable speed. The train is upon you before you can run away. When you are in the midst of a karmic situation you feel foggy and unclear, and you may feel strangely unable to get out of the situation. You often wonder how this happened to you all of a sudden.
You may walk innocently into a meeting and within minutes are insulted and humiliated by the new director on your job. You are instantly plunged into painful emotions and wonder what you did to deserve it. The answer is often that you didn't do anything this lifetime to deserve it. You simply showed up to balance the record sheet.
Likewise you may be penniless and lost in a foreign country and a complete stranger suddenly appears on the scene and takes you in, cares for you, and gives you an airplane ticket home.
When karma has been completed, a feeling of freedom and relief ensues. The fog clears and you gain insight into the preceding events. You become neutral about the issue that had so recently carried such intensity for you. You don't care anymore. You may even wonder how you could have been so upset about the issue. The purpose of karma completion is to get you neutral on the issue so that you can move on to new and more interesting lessons. You have reached the neutral position on the triadic experience and you are ready for something new.
Karma as a Choice
Remember again that karma is not fate. Fate is a notion of predestination. You choose karma specifically with the purpose of undergoing an emotional or learning experience.
Think of karma as ribbons that draw together experiences and weave a distinct pattern that is the product of many lifetimes. Remember also that those ribbons cause you to be in specific places and to meet certain people, sometimes to your great surprise. If you have a karmic debt with another individual living in a foreign country you will suddenly find yourself drawn, sometimes almost magically, to travel to that other country where the debt can be repaid. Occasionally the obstacles in the path of meeting are too great and the karma must be deferred to another lifetime.
For example, you may decide that this lifetime you will complete ten major karma, seventy-five medium karma, and one hundred and fifty minor karma. Typically you tend to bite off more than you can chew, so that if you complete most of these karma the lifetime will feel successful to you no matter how uncomfortable for your personality. Some karma will be judged too difficult to complete for now.

There is always free choice about when to complete a karma. The choice to complete it is made by essence at the time of initiation of the karma. It will always be completed.
Let us say that you have karma with a Mr. Chang who resides in China, and you live in Brazil. On an essence level you feel an urge to return the good deeds he has done for you in the past that will take a full year to repay. You however have not been able to travel to China and are heavily involved in completing and creating karma in your locality. Mr. Chang is able to visit Brazil for one week and you feel a pull to attend a lecture he is giving in a nearby city. You go out of your way to see him even though the topic is not of interest to you. You realize that although you are strongly attracted to him you will not be able to complete the karma in this life because of his short stay.
Such flirting with karma is a common experience and happens all the time. On the other hand, if Mr. Chang announced that he would be in the vicinity for several years, the pull to complete the karma would be almost irresistible.
Sexual attraction is one of the greatest facilitators of karma. When an imbalance exists between two people there is a strong essence-driven impetus to balance the record sheet. However, personality may sense a possible danger and wish to avoid the situation. Strong sexual attraction will make this avoidance less likely.
For example, if you embezzled a large sum of money from Marsha in an earlier lifetime and you suddenly run into Marsha in this lifetime you may want to run and hide. You sense that she has come to collect. However if you are distracted by the fact that Marsha is now a beautiful blonde, your very type, then your lust will lead you directly into the karma. How convenient. You may later wonder how you ever could have gotten involved with her after she has divorced you and taken your house and car in repayment.
Karma and Time
How long does karma last? Is there a time limit or a way to speed it up? The answer is not a simple one.
Sometimes karma lasts only for a few seconds, such as a short intense pain; other times karma can last a whole lifetime, such as having a benevolent aunt who constantly looks out for you for many years. In another vein, a foe can cause you the loss of your arm early in life, a handicap that can last for decades. The length of the karmic experience is directly in proportion to the length of the first incident. If you deprive someone of the use of their legs for twenty years then this becomes a twenty-year karma. If you cut short someone's life by one year then your own life will be cut short by one year in a later life. If you raise an orphan with kindness and generosity for twelve years then you will be repaid with a twelve-year kindness. Balance then, is the name of the game.
However, you can drag karma on, escalate it or creatively manipulate it according to the experiences and lessons desired by all parties involved. In order for karma to be truly complete, everyone involved must acknowledge the completion of it at an essence level. Karma can be such a delicious source of growth and lessons that often all parties would rather refuse to recognize the repayment and generate more karma instead. The karma builds and becomes more intense lifetime after lifetime, until ultimately the lesson of forgiveness is learned. Sometimes a person will feel an intense tug to repay a karmic debt that they owe you. You may recoil at their appearance and try to avoid them based on past painful experience. This is like saying "Oh no! Not you again! I'm getting out of here!" So the chase is on until the debt is repaid.
However, people are not always successful at repaying the karma.
For example, Tom may owe Susan for abandonment one lifetime. Men they meet again the intention is to repay the debt. Nevertheless Tom may get cold feet at the prospect of being abandoned and instead repeat the original offense by abandoning Susan all over again. The karma then has just escalated. Small wonder then that some people get skittish when they see their old enemy show up. The question arises "Am I about to be repaid or am I about to be burned again?" The game of cat and mouse can go on for centuries. Again, in the end, all is forgiven, balanced, and completed.
Occasionally you play the game of "Who can be the most generous?" lifetime after lifetime, by building karma of a positive nature with someone. On the other hand, old souls wishing to cycle off the planet become adept at completing karma efficiently and creatively, sometimes accomplishing several at the same time.
Borrowed from Witches Circle Brew

 Dolls have been used in magical rites since the origins of Man. Little wonder then that witches were said to have used them as well. Typically, these dolls were created by putting some of the victim's nail clippings or hair into the material from which the doll was fashioned, usually clay, wax or wood. Also effective were bits of stolen or discarded clothing soaked in "vital juices" like blood or sweat.
 Although these dolls could be used for love spells, witches tended to use them for illnessand murder
Neo-pagan tools

A primary tool, which is owned by most witches, is an athame or ritual knife. The athame is charged with the energy of the owner and is used as a pointer to define space (such as casting a sacred circle) and as a conductor of the owner's will and energy.
Other important tools are the symbols on the altar which denote the "Aristotelian" Elements: Earth, Air, Fire, and Water (some "maps" include Spirit).
A pentagram or pentacle (a five-pointed star sometimes surrounded by a circle) is often used to symbolize Earth and its properties -- stability, material wealth, the body, and practical affairs. Alternatively, a small dish of salt or soil can be used to symbolize the Earth Element.
A thurible (or censer) or a bell can be used to symbolize Air and its properties -- communications, vitality, intellect and understanding. (A sword or wand may be used to symbolize Air or Fire, and many "maps" disagree on with which element the sword or wand should be associated.)
A candle or small pot of fire may symbolize the element of Fire and its properties -- will, transmutation, life-force, and power.
A chalice of water is used to symbolize the element of Water and its properties -- cleansing, regeneration, and emotion. In the traditions which include the element of Spirit, an ankh or quartz crystal is used to symbolize Spirit and its properties -- perfection, summation, balance, illumination and eternity.
Elements Described
The Goddess, the Moon, the planet Venus, the zodiacal signs of - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, the season of autumn, the North, salt or sand, the pentacle, fertility, good health, quietness, comfort, strength, courage, practicality, thrift, acquisition, patience, responsibility, things cold and dry, boredom, stagnation, destruction, darkness, the colour green, the metal gold.  It is used to influence such matters as:  Female principles, herbal magick, luck, physical healing, balance, prosperity, change, material things, harmony, relationships and success.  Also used for romantic love, friendship, beauty, soul-mates, artistic ability, affection, partners, alliances, grace, luxury, social activity, marriage, decorating, cosmetics, gifts, income, gardening, architects, artists, beauticians, chiropractors, dancers, designers, engineers, entertainers, fashion, music, painting, poetry, courtship, dating, household improvements, planning parties and shopping. 
The God, the Sun, the zodiacal signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, the season of spring, the East, the wand, incense and smoke.  Also used to influence such matters as:  Light, health, success, careers, goals, ambition, personnel finances, advancement, drama, fun, authority figures, law, fairs, crops, totem animals, volunteer and civic services, promotion, male principles, children, buying, selling and speculation, things hot and moist, squandering, frivolity, autism, gales, hurricanes and cyclones.  Also used for achievement, healing energy, divination, clairvoyance, mental alertness, intelligence, intellectual growth, prosperity, harmony, energizing, creativity, the colour yellow and the metal silver. 
The God, the Sun, Mercury, Mars, the zodiacal signs of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, the season of summer, the South, the sword or athame, candles, torches, light or illumination.  Represents vitality, power, strength, courage and defense.  It is invigorating, motivating and passionate, and can be used to influence such matters as:  passion, partnerships, action, physical activity, energy, aggression, things hot and dry, sex, sport, guns, tools, metals, police, soldiers, combat, confrontation, war, business deals, buying and selling, mechanical things, repairs, hunting, health, luck, justice, success, ambition, personal finances, and authority figures. 
The Goddess, the Moon, the planet Jupiter, the zodiacal signs of Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, the season of winter, the West, the cup, chalice and cauldron.  Water is used for dealing with such matter as:  wealth, joy, opportunity, abundance, elevation, tranquillizing, aligning, business, logic, gambling, social matters, political power, material wealth, publishing, collage education and long distance travel.  Things cold and moist, brooding, foreboding, stagnation, poison, toxic substances, foreign interests, religion, philosophy, forecasting, broadcasting, publicity, expansion, luck, growth, sport, horses, legal matters, doctors, guardians, merchants, psychologists, charity, correspondence courses, self-improvement, research, reading and studying. 
Moon Phases

The New Moon is a time of Growth and is a wonderful opportunity for performing spells that are required to increase in strength and intensity. 
The Waxing Moon, which occurs between the New Moon and the Full Moon, is constantly growing in strength. This is the time of increasing, all spells that require increase should be done at this time. This is a good period to cast spells that require time to fulfil their potential. 
The Full Moon is when we celebrate our Esbats & is a time of immense energy. When the moon is full it is a time of the fertile peak in which the Goddess presence is profound and potent. At this time energy has reached it’s hight.
So summoning energy at this time is most powerful, it is traditionally the time of ritual celebration.
The Waning Moon, from the Full Moon to the Dark of the Moon, is when the Moon is drawing in its power, This is the time of taking, any spells for completion, banishing or getting rid of an influence, this is when you should perform it. 
The Dark of the Moon is when it has completely withdrawn all its power and is holding it within. This is not a time for casting spells or performing rituals but is the ideal moment to reflect on what has been and what is to come. During the Dark of the Moon you should plan your forthcoming rituals and spells, and ponder what it is that you wish to achieve.


In folklore, witches use brooms to fly through the air at high speed and go to the Sabbath. The image of a witch riding a broomstick has then become a popular cultural stereotype. Neverteless, the correlation between brooms and witches is not noticeable until the late 16th and early 17th centuries and has been  mostly popular in continental Europe. Before then, witches were depicted astride shovels, sticks, forks, hurdles, and demon-animals. Eventually, witches were shown more on either demons in the forms of animals or on brooms.
Several theories explain this association of brooms with witches.
1.      Brooms are a symbol of female domesticity and most witches were women. If the woman of the house wanted to indicate that she was not at home, she placed her besom outside her front door. By laying it across the door, it was supposed to protect the home.
2.      The early household broom, or besom, was made from the broom plant, or from birch twigs or heather, and shared some of the traditional lore attached to these plants.
3.      Many flying ointments contained hallucinogenic ingredients. If a broomstick was rubbed with such potions and used for riding or masturbatory purposes, a sensation of flight would result as the poison easily penetrates the body through the vaginal and anal veins.
4.      The association between witches and brooms goes back to ancient times, when pagans performed fertility rites to induce their crops to grow high. These people mounted pitchforks, poles, and brooms, and rode them like horses in the fields, leaping high into the air and dancing.
 At first, the brush end of a broom (or faggot), was pointed downwards so the witch could "sweep her tracks from the sky." Nevertheless, by the end of the 17th century, the reverse was true. Witches often rode with the faggot-end up, with a candle in the faggot to light the way to the Sabbath gathering place.
 If the witch was inside a house, she theoretically rose through the chimney, although in court, few witches ever acknowledged doing such a thing. Sorcerers flew on brooms as well as witches, but men were more often shown riding pitchforks. A pitchfork was both a very convenient steed and tool. She could either ride astride the fork, or, when seated backwards upon a goat, she could carry her cauldron between the prongs of the fork. A piece of cloth could also be fastened to the fork in a sail-like fashion. Last but not least, it might also serve as a parachute in case the charm happened to fail suddenly.
 Brooms are not only a means of transportation, they can also be used to raise up storms or imitate somebody’s else form. In Hamburg, sailors, after long toiling against a contrary wind, on meeting another ship sailing in an opposite direction, throw an old broom before the vessel, believing thereby to reverse the wind. A famous Scottish witch of the 17th century, Isobel Gowdie, claimed to have used her broom in an original way. Instead of using it for travelling, she used it to deceive her husband. Before going to a sabbat, Isobel substituted her broom for herself in bed. She said he never knew the difference.
In modern witchcraft, the broom is used to purify space before a circle is cast. It is related to the element of Water and is used in many water spells involving cleansing.

Planetary Hours

Planetary hours are not the same as the sixty-minute hours that we use for normal time-keeping. The day is split into two periods, daytime and nighttime. Sunrise to sunset is considered daytime. Sunset to sunrise of the next day is nighttime. Then these two periods are each divided into twelve equal length hours, which are the planetary hours. The planetary hours of the day and the planetary hours of the night will be of different lengths except on the Equinoxes, when light and darkness are balanced.
Each planetary hour is associated with a planet. These can be used to fine-tune a magickal working. This is one step up from performing magick on the day ruled by the planet best suited for the goal. This will give you a specific hour to work the magick.
So say you're planning to do a money spell. Money and prosperity is ruled by Jupiter, so you'd want to do it on a Thursday. But to make the spell more precise and give it more "weight", you can calculate the planetary hours for the upcoming Thursday. Four planetary hours are ruled by Jupiter (two of day, two of night), so once the exact times are figured out, you have your pick of those hours in which to perform that money spell.
Planetary hours are also good for when you can't wait till the appropriate day. If you needed that money, like, yesterday, and today is Saturday, do the spell today but aid it along by doing it during one of the Jupiter hours.
These can also aid you when other things may be working "against" you, or if you're sick but still have to work some magick anyway.
Do you have to use the planetary hours? 'Course not, silly. But it certainly doesn't hurt, it may help, and besides, it's fun.

Calculating Planetary Hours
Find out the time for the sunrise and sunset. You can obtain that information from the U.S. Naval Observatory website or from your local newspaper in the Weather section.
Divide the number of minutes between sunrise and sunset by 12. This gives you the length of a daytime planetary hour.
Subtract the number of minutes in a daylight hour from 120. This gives you the length of a nighttime planetary hour.
For example, say the sun rises in your area at 7:00 a.m. and sets at 5:00 p.m. This would give a daylight period of 14 hours, which is 840 minutes. Dividing that 840 by 12 gets 70. So, for this day, there would be 70 minutes in the daytime planetary hour. This means that the first daytime planetary hour would run from 7:00 a.m. to 8:10 a.m., the second would run from 8:10 a.m. to 9:20 a.m., etc. Subtracting 70 from 120 gets 50, so there would be 50 minutes in the nighttime planetary hour. The first nighttime planetary hour would run from 5:00 p.m. to 5:50 p.m., the second would run from 5:50 pm. to 6:40 p.m., etc.

 An amulet is generally a small item made of natural materials such as wood, stone, shell or gems and charged for magical purposes. Amulets are often ornate and can be either carried in a pouch or worn as jewelry.
Book of shadows
 The book of shadows is a magical journal kept by witches whereby spells and invocations, dreams, herbal recipes, ritual notes and divination results can be recorded.
The chalice is a goblet or cup used to hold the wine shared around the circle of those partcipating in a ritual.

A group of witches who work together in an organized fashion for positive magical endeavors or to perform religious ceremonies. The covenstead is the meeting place of the witches, often a fixed building or place where a witch can feel safe and at home.
 Witches, in folklore, are often pictured in the company of a black cat. The cat, like any animal, may have a special connection to the witch and will protect the home of a witch. Today's witches may have their pet parakeet, poodle or python as the Familiar that is bonded to them.
 Certain plants (usually dried) used for their power of healing and attraction in witchcraft, and different herbs correspond with different requirements in witchcraft.
A form of divination in which 78 pictured cards, each with special meaning, show you your Past, Present, and Future.
The aura is seen as a dim colored light about the body.

To see the aura one only needs to look for it, like an echo or an odor you don't notice it at first as its always there, to help see one first just clear your mind of all thought, silence if you will, then look gently to the third eye on the person you wish to see. Soon you will see something like unto the heat waves given off of a hot car in summer...then just ask "what color is this I see?" and a color will appear, don't look directly at the aura at first as it will disappear at first just try to catch it out of the corner of your eye until you have had a bit of practice. Also the aura grows brighter and easier to see the longer a person is in the same place.

It's easier to see it at first on a person standing in one place than a person walking.

Sometimes the background color has a lot to do with how easily you see the aura. I prefer seeing them with a light background others prefer dark backgrounds.

The colors of an aura reveals a persons talents, habits and general character. Each color or ray has a special characteristic that it imparts to everything connected to it.

These characteristics are as follows.

violet- spirituality

indigo- intuition

blue- religious inspiration

green- harmony and sympathy

yellow- intellect

orange- energy

red- life
Also all hues have different meanings as follows:

red- the symbol of life, strength and vitality, the physical nature

clear bright red- generosity and ambition

dark red- deep passion, love, courage, hatred, anger

reddish- brown-sensuality, voluptuousness

very dark red- selfishness

cloudy red- greed, cruelty

crimson- lower passions and desire

scarlet- lust

deep crimson shot with black- materialism

rosy pink- unselfish love

orange- energy, the etheric astral nature, dynamic force

bright clear orange- health and vitality

deep orange- pride

muddy cloudy orange- low intellect

yellow- mind and intellect, mental plane, mental power

golden- high soul qualities

pale primrose- great intellectual power

dark dingy yellow- jealousy, suspicion

dull- false optimism, visionary mentality

green- harmony and sympathy, individualism, independence

bright clear green- good qualities

light green- prosperity, success

mint- adaptability, versatility

clear green- sympathy

dark green- deceit

olive- treachery, double nature

blue- inspiration, devotion, artistic, harmonious

deep clear blue- high spiritual attainment

pale lilac and wisteria tints- cosmic consciousness, love for humanity

bluish purple- transcendent idealism
minor colors

light grey- fear

dark grey- conventionalism, formality

heavy leaden grey- meanness, lack of imagination

greyish green- deceit, duplicity

brownish grey- depression

black- malice, vice, depravity

pink- modesty, gentleness, unselfishness

silver- versatility, vivacity, movement (an excess could be a sign of inconsistency, and a fickle nature)

light brown- practical mind

dull grey brown- selfishness

clear brown- avarice
Borrowed from Witches Circle Brew
What is the Aura ?
Everything in the Universe seems to be just a vibration. Every atom, every part of an atom, every electron, every elementary “particle”, even our thoughts and consciousness are just vibrations. Hence, we may define the Aura as a electro-photonic vibration response of an object to some external excitation (such as an ambient light for example). This definition is sufficient for the purpose of reading Auras, providing that we can train ourselves to see the Aura vibration.
The most important property of the Aura seems to be the fact that it contains INFORMATION about the object.
Aura around living (conscious) objects (people, plants ...) changes with time, sometimes very quickly. Aura around non-living object (stones, crystals, water...) is essentially fixed. Above facts have been observed by scientists in Russia, who have been using Kirlian effect to study Auras for the last 50 years.
The Aura around humans is partly composed from EM (electromagnetic) radiation, spanning from microwave, infrared (IR) to UV light. The low frequency microwave and infrared part of the spectrum (body heat) seems to be related to the low levels of the functioning of our body (DNA structure, metabolism, circulation etc.) whereas high frequency (UV part) is more related to our conscious activity such as thinking, creativity, intentions, sense of humor and emotions. Russian scientists, who seem to be about 3 decades ahead of everyone else in Aura research, make experiments suggesting that our DNA can be altered, by influencing its microwave Aura. The high frequency UV part is very important and most interesting but largely unexplored. And this part can be seen with naked eyes.
Why do we need to see auras ?
Colors and intensity of the aura, especially around and above the head have VERY special meanings. Watching someone's aura you can actually see the other person's thoughts before you hear them expressed verbally. If they do not agree with what this person is saying, you effectively see a lie every time. No one can lie in front of you undetected. We cannot fake the Aura. It shows our True Nature and intentions for everyone to see.
Also, aura is our spiritual signature. When you see a person with a bright, clean aura, you can be SURE that such person is good and spiritually advanced, even if he/she is modest and not aware of it. When you see a person with a gray or dark aura, you may be almost SURE, that such person has unclear intentions, regardless how impressive, eloquent, educated, "good looking" or "well dressed" he/she seems to appear.
It is ESPECIALLY important to check the aura of any religious leader, "spiritual teacher", "master" or a "guru". Such a person should have a clearly defined yellow-golden halo around the head. If he/she does not have it, you are MUCH better on your own.
Joining a sect or a religion that is led by incompetent people without good Auras is very dangerous for your consciousness. Where is the danger ? When the time comes to really use the information stored in your consciousness from this lifetime, there may be almost nothing useful there, if you focus your life on following rituals and the flock of other people. In such case it is necessary to re-learn everything from the beginning. Most sect, religion and political leaders have only two things in mind: money and power to control people. And you can SEE it in their Aura for yourself. Imagine changes on Earth if many people can see Auras of their leaders and start choosing them on the basis of their Auras.
By reading Aura it seems possible to diagnose malfunctions in the body (diseases) long before physical symptoms become evident. By consciously controlling your Aura you can actually heal yourself.
However, healing of the physical body is nothing in comparison to what seeing and reading auras can do for our consciousness, spiritual development and our awareness of Nature.
Everyone has an Aura. But most people on Earth have VERY WEAK and dull Auras. This seems to be a direct consequence of their life long materialistic attitude negating and suppressing the development of consciousness, cultivating fear, envy, jealousy and other similar emotions. Such attitude suppresses their True Nature, and their Auras seem to become suppressed too.
When you learn to see Auras, be prepared for a REALLY HARD question: “Can you tell me what my Aura is ?” and the situation when you don't see any Aura or you see something you don't want to talk about. One of the best answers I found is “why don't you learn to see it for yourself ? “. And this is one of the main reasons why I teach people to see auras.
When people realize that their Aura is on display and many people are able to see it, they will watch what they think. And they will try to see and improve their own Aura. In the process they will become better and wiser, being able to recognize intentions of other people. Surely, the entire world will become much better if all people can see and read Auras.
Children and the Aura:
Very young children (up to 5 years of age) see auras naturally. Infants frequently look ABOVE a person in front of them. When they don't like the color of the aura above the head, or if this color is much different from their parent's aura, they cry, no matter how much smiling the person does.
Children have much cleaner and stronger auras than most of adults, who are usually completely enslaved by the materialistic world and suppress their Nature by following superficial examples. When I taught my 12 year old son to see his own Aura, he told me that when he was little he was able to see Auras most of the time. But no one paid any attention, so he thought that it was not important and maybe there was something wrong with his eyesight. This is a typical scenario. In my opinion children should learn to see and read Auras in a primary school, so they never lose this natural abililty.

Bloodletting is one of the oldest medical practices, having been practiced among diverse ancient peoples, including the Greeks, the Egyptians and the Mesopotamians. In Greece, bloodletting was in use around the time of Hippocrates, who mentions bloodletting but in general relied on dietary techniques. Erastistratus, however, theorized that many diseases were caused by plethoras, or overabundances, in the blood, and advised that these plethoras be treated, initially, by exercise, sweating, reduced food intake, and vomiting. Herophilus advocated bloodletting. Archagathus, one of the first Greek physicians to practice in Rome, practiced phlebotomy extensively and gained a most sanguinary reputation.
The popularity of bloodletting in Greece was reinforced by the ideas of Galen, after he discovered the veins and arteries were filled with blood, not air as was commonly believed at the time. There were two key concepts in his system of bloodletting. The first was that blood was created and then used up, it did not circulate and so it could 'stagnate' in the extremities. The second was that humoural balance was the basis of illness or health, the four humours being blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile (relating to the four Greek classical elements of earth, air, fire and water). Galen believed that blood was the dominant humour and the one in most need of control. In order to balance the humours, a physician would either remove 'excess' blood (plethora) from the patient or give them an emetic (to induce vomiting) or diuretic (to induce urination).
Galen created a complex system of how much blood should be removed based on the patient's age, constitution, the season, the weather and the place. Symptoms of plethora were believed to include fever, apoplexy, and headache. The blood to be let was of a specific nature determined by the disease: either arterial or venous, and distant or close to the area of the body affected. He linked different blood vessels with different organs, according to their supposed drainage. For example, the vein in the right hand would be let for liver problems and the vein in the left hand for problems with the spleen. The more severe the disease, the more blood would be let. Fevers required copious amounts of bloodletting.
The Talmud recommended a specific day of the week and days of the month for bloodletting, and similar rules, though less codified, can be found among Christian writings advising which saint's days were favourable for bloodletting. Islamic authors too advised bloodletting, particularly for fevers. The practice was probably passed to them by the Greeks; when Islamic theories became known in the Latin-speaking countries of Europe, bloodletting became more widespread. Together with cautery it was central to Arabic surgery; the key texts Kitab al-Qanum and especially Al-Tasrif li-man 'ajaza 'an al-ta'lif both recommended it. It was also known in Ayurvedic medicine, described in the Susrata Samhita.

The Censer is a device used for burning types of incense material.
An Oil Burner is a receptacle suitable for heating an Oil and Water solution.
Incense is used in all religions and is a powerful enhancement to Rituals & Celebrations. Scents are chosen for their individual qualities and suitability to their intended use. Seasonal Scents will be used for yearly celebrations whilst others for reasons associated with your Ritual or purpose. Coming in all possible varieties these days, you are free to concoct a feast of aromas for your individual Celebration.
Today Incenses are obtainable in stick form which burns slowly and requires no more than a simple holder with suitable small hole which is easily made or found naturally in wood or stone.
Incense is a stick, cone or powder, which emits aromas varying from floral to herbal mixtures and is used in spells and rituals to cleanse an area or is used for it's magickal properties.
Tools Described

Every tradition or path in Paganism utilizes a set of tools for their practice. For eclectic Pagans and solitaires, they must decide for themselves if they have a need for these tools and if so, must decide what they wish to use and why. We have listed here a general collection of Pagan and Wiccan tools and their uses. We hope by doing this, you can get a better understanding of our practices. Therefore if you happen to be walking through the park one day and spot some of the following items being used by a group of people, you will know what is going on and realize that there is nothing to fear. Not every Pagan or Wiccan uses these tools, however, most Pagans and Wiccans do use some of these in their rituals.


The athame is a ritual knife that is used to absorb and direct energy. The knife is usually double-edged with a black handle and, since it is not used for physical cutting, the blade is usually dull. As one of the most common tools used in Paganism and Wicca, the athame also becomes one of the most personal. Usually, the athame is not used to call upon the Gods since it is more of a commanding tool, especially in Ceremonial Magic. A sword is sometimes used instead of the athame and carries the same attributes. Swords are usually used with a larger group, such as a coven.
Some Pagans engrave sacred symbols into the blade and handle to help make the knife more personal, and thus more powerful. The athame is a tool of change and therefore is associated with the Element of Fire. Also, because of its phallic shape, it is considered a masculine (God) tool.

The wand is used much in the same way that the athame is used. It can be used instead of the athame or in conjunction with it. The wand can be made of almost any kind of material. Some are made of wood and can be topped with crystals, pine cones, or stones. Sometimes symbols are engraved in the wand for specific reasons. There are several recipes for making wands, but there is no one true way of creating one. Whatever feels right to you will work best for you. You may find that this holds true for almost everything in Paganism and Wicca.
Unlike the athame though, the wand can be used to invoke the Gods since it is considered a "more gentle" tool. It is associated with the Element of Air and is also considered a masculine (God) tool because of its phallic likeness.

A censor is a container made of metal, clay, stone, etc. (being fireproof is preferred) which is used to ignite and burn incense for rituals or spells. Incense has, for thousands of years, been used to enhance the religious experience in almost every form of religion. Some say that the smoke of the incense carries your prayers up to the Gods where they are heard. Others use a censor to burn certain combinations of incense for spells and magic. Many Pagans and Wiccans will use a censor, containing burning incense, to cleanse and consecrate their circles and/or other sacred spaces. It is also used to cleanse and consecrate people, items, etc. If for no other reason, using a censor fills the space around you with a very magical atmosphere, and lends a special mood to any temple or sacred circle.
The censor is usually associated with the Element of Air, but some link it to the Element of Fire because of the burning that takes place.

Bowls can be made of virtually any type of material and can contain anything that the practitioner wishes. Water and Salt are two of the most common things Pagans keep in bowls on their altars. Water is needed by virtually every living thing and is therefore considered sacred to us. Salt (usually Sea Salt) is also considered sacred because we need it as humans for survival. Salt is also known as a purifier and thus when mixed in the bowl of water, we have created our version of "Holy Water". Salt and Water are also two items which are sometimes used to Erect Temples or Circles.
The bowl can be used to hold any item the Pagan wishes, such, corn, stones, oil, etc. it is not generally related to any one Element due to its diversity but is considered feminine due to the womb-like feature of the bowl.

The magical cauldron is famous when it comes to Witches and Witchcraft, but it is not used to boil unspeakable animal parts or the fat from unbaptized babies! The cauldron has many uses. Like the censor, it can be used for incense. It is also used in the mixing of herbs for healing or spells. In one tradition, the cauldron is used as an "ash pot". An ash pot is a small cauldron where pieces of paper, with wishes written on them, are burned, throughout the year, and placed in the cauldron. Then on Imbolc, (a Pagan Holiday celebrated on Feb. 2nd) a special ritual is done where the practitioner anoints themselves with the ashes.
The Cauldron is a symbol of the Goddess because, like the womb of the Goddess, the cauldron is used for creating. It is a symbol of fertility and is associated with the Element of Water.

The Pentacle is a circular disk or plate upon which a Pentagram is engraved, etched, or painted. It is a very decorative item which is used to hold items during consecration of those items or as a plate for food or other offerings. It is a point of focus upon the altar and can be made of any material and decorated as you see fit.
Since the pentagram is considered a symbol of Earth, the Pentacle is associated with that Element and is sometimes used as a form of protection or consecration.

Candles are a very attractive way of brightening any room, but in Paganism they have an even more important purpose. They may be used in spells and rituals as symbols of certain objects or even symbols of the Gods. Different colored candles have different properties in magic. For instance, green candles are sometimes used in money magic since money is green. Candles are also used for practical reasons, such as lighting.
Candles help set the mood when doing rituals and creating candles can be a great project for coven meetings and gatherings. The candle is associated with the Element of Fire for obvious reasons.

Statues and Idols have long been used in religion to depict Gods and Goddesses. There are literally thousands of statues to choose from when picking your favorite God or Goddess representation, so there is no need to "settle" on any one. Horns or Antlers are sometimes used for God images, as are statues of ancient Roman and Greek mythologies. A seashell can be used as a Goddess symbol, as can several other natural objects.
The sky is the limit on this, for we must each decide for ourselves how we see our Gods. Just about anything that you can find may be used as a representation of your Deity.

An altar is merely a place or object upon which sacred items are placed for the purpose of worship or ritual. Altars can be anything, from a coffee table to a tree stump. Some Pagans and Wiccans claim that the altar must be round to represent the circle and others claim that there is no particular shape that an altar must be. Again this is entirely up to you. No one has the right to tell you that your altar is the wrong kind or shape. Anything that you find where you can place your ritual items and it works for you, can be considered an altar. In fact, there is an old saying that goes, "In a Pagan home, every vertical space is a bookshelf, and every horizontal space is an altar!".
Altars have always been used as a focal point for worship or ritual. It is the place where energy is focused or released. When performing spells, think of the altar as a workbench.

A chalice is a ritual cup, made of wood, stone, glass or metal, and will usually contain water, juice or wine. During Cakes and Ale, the chalice is used as a symbol of the Goddess for the Symbolic Great Rite or the Union of the God and Goddess. Groups of Pagans and Wiccans will generally share the liquid inside with one another in order to promote health and unity.
The chalice is a Goddess tool since it is symbolic of a womb and is usually associated with the Element of Water.
Book of Shadows

The Book of Shadows (BoS), given its name because it was usually kept hidden from non-believers, is a sort of diary or journal for the Pagan or Wiccan. The BoS contains spells, rituals, chants, songs and other information that the practitioner uses during their life in the Craft. Some Pagans have several volumes of books dated back several years. The BoS does not necessarily have to be an actual book. More modern Pagans place their BoS in their computers where they can use photos to enhance the book and make it easier to read and edit. Other Pagans will swear up and down that it must be handwritten by the witch in order to truly be a BoS. This is up to you. There is no "right" way of creating your BoS, only different ways.
However, there is much to say about the handwritten BoS. For one, by handwriting the book, you are putting much more thought and energy into the book and it does kind of enhance the experience of the Craft as a whole. Also, if you have any artistic talent, you may wish to create the book from scratch and decorate it as you please. This ensures that no one else will have anything like it and it will truly be an original. Some groups get together every now and then to swap books and copy from one another. This really is a lot of fun, and a great learning experience. Each Pagan or Wiccan can have their personal BoS and if the coven or group wishes, have a separate one just for the group.

Pagan Terms

ANIMISM-Belief that a spirit or force residing in every animate and inanimate object, every dream and idea, gives individuality to each. The related Polynesian concept of man holds that the spirit in all things is responsible for the good and evil in the universe.

ANKH-Egyptian "Cross of Life" which represents the union of male and female and was regarded as a universal life charm. The symbol is a cross with a looped, oval top. Also called the Key of the Nile.

ARCHETYPES- Universal symbols that speak  in the language of the subconscious. They are the ideal images of deities and other powers.

ASTRAL PLANE- The invisible "other" world that is unseen from our material/temporal world, another dimension of reality.

ASTRAL PROJECTION- The process of separating oneself from the physical body in trance states and meditation in order to visit other planes, times or locations.

ATHAME or RITUAL KNIFE - Usually a black handled knife, The Athame is charged with the energy of the owner and is used as a pointer to define space (such as casting a sacred circle) and as a conductor of the owner's will and energy. An Athame is usually never used to cut anything physically.

BANISH- To magically send away or repel negative energies or entities from the person, home, or ritual area.

BESOM- The witches' broomstick. Often used to sweep away negative energies from a space before casting a circle.

BELTANE- An ancient Celtic Fire Festival celebrated on May 1. The modern version still celebrates the marriage of the Goddess and the God, and the passage of the Goddess from Maiden to Mother. Also, the Maypole is danced as a symbol of the Fertility of the Earth(Goddess).

BIND- To magically restrain something or someone.

BOLINE- Also BOLEEN - A White handled ritual working knife. This is usually the knife used for cuting herbs, cords, or other utilitarian uses while in ritual.

BOOK OF SHADOWS- A book of spells, rituals, recipes, traditions, and other guides and materials written by a witch or coven. the Book of Shadows is usually a very personal book to the Witch or Coven which created it, and the information within is rarely shared with outsiders, even other Witches.

CALL UP- To invoke divine forces, as when one calls the Guardians of the Quarters before casting a circle.

CARDINAL POINTS- North, South, East, and West, often marked by candles of green, red, yellow, and blue.

CAULDRON- A traditional tool of witches, this three-legged cooking pot has many uses. It may be used to cook potions, for SCRYING, and as a censer. On an altar, the cauldron symbolizes the Goddess.

CHARKAS - Seven major intersections of energy located on the vertical axis of the body. Each is associated with a color and an area of the body. 

CHALICE- A witch's tool which can be used to represent the element of water and may also be used to hold the juice or wine for the offering.

CHANNELING- A New Age word for mediumship, channeling involves allowing a spirit entity to speak through the channeler. The process is virtually impossible to prove and therefore does not enjoy a particularly good reputation.

CHARGE OF THE GODDESS- Originally written by Doreen Valiente, the charge gives the story of the message from the Goddess to Her children. The High Priestess often recites the charge at the Full Moon Esbat.

CHARMS- May be a gemstone, amulet, talisman or other object that has been charged with power for a specific task.

CIRCLE- A sacred space and protective barrier for Magickal workings. Within this sacred circle, two main activities occur: celebration, and the practice of magic. Celebration is most important at the major seasonal holy days, the Sabbats. At these times, the myths of that particular holiday are enacted in ritual drama, and dancing, singing, feasting, and revelry are all part of the festivities

CONE OF POWER- Energy or power raised within a circle by either an individual or group for a specific purpose. After the power is raised and visualized it is released to work the magick.

CLEANSING- The process of purification, removing negative energy from an object or place.

CONSECRATION - The act of cleansing and blessing an object or place by charging it with positive energy.

COVEN- A group of Witches who work together under the same tradition, usually limited to 13 members or less, or in some traditions 13 couples. 

COVENSTEAD- A place where a Coven traditionally meets - a Covenstead could be a home, a field, or anywhere a Coven meets to work Magick.

CRONE- The third aspect of the Triple Goddess which symbolizes wisdom.

DEDICATION- A ritual in which a Witch dedicates himself or herself to the Craft and vows to remain steadfast to the path he/she has chosen.

DEGREE- Levels of achievement in a particular tradition. Many traditions have three degrees.

DEOSIL- Clockwise or sunwise movement of actions in a ritual.

DIVINATION- The use of magical tools and means to seek information on events, people and situations in the past, present and future.

DRAWING DOWN THE MOON- A ritual used during the Full Moon in which Witches invoke the power of a Moon Goddess to increase their power.

EARTH RELIGION- A religion whose main tenet is that the worshipper is in harmony with the Earth and with all life. Such religions oppose the idea that the world is a resource to be subdued and exploited. 

ELEMENTS- The Magickal elements that Witches' work with- Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit, 

EQUINOX- One of the two times a year when the sun crosses the equator 

FAMILIAR- An animal, either a pet or a spiritual entity, who serves the Witch as a magical helper.

ESBAT- Monthly meeting of a coven, usually held at full moon. There are about 13 full moons each year. Some groups also meet at the dark of the New Moon moon. 

FETISH- Inanimate natural or cultural object believed to have magical power, either from a will of its own or from a God or Goddess that has inbued the object with their blessing.

GAIA- Also Gaea - The Earth Mother or Mother Earth. Recently the name has taken the meanign that the Earth .

GREEN MAN- Another name for the God, particularly in His aspect of God of fertility. Often pictured as a face made of leaves and vegitation.

HAND FASTING- A Wiccan or Pagan marriage ceremony.

IMBOLC- Sabbat Festival held February 1.

KARMA- In Hindu belief where the term originated, it is the idea that the good and evil a person does will return either in this life or in a later one. Among Pagans, the theory is that whatever negative or positive energies one sends out will come back to the sender in like kind. The "Three Fold Law" is a version of this belief.

MAIDEN- The first aspect of the Triple Goddess which symbolizes new beginnings and creation.

METAPHYSICAL- Pertaining to realities which are outside those of science, such as cosmology and divination.

MOTHER- The second aspect of the Triple Goddess which symbolizes fertility and caregiving.

OLD RELIGION- Another name for Wicca. Also, Old Path or Old Ways.

OSTARA- The Sabbat celebrated at the Vernal Equinox, the second festival of spring. Symbolized by the egg, it is a time to celebrate new life and fertility.

PENTACLE- A five-pointed star surrounded by a circle. It is often used to symbolize the magickal elements of Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit

PAGAN- A practitioner of an Earth Religion; from the Latin mneaning a country dweller.

PROJECTIVE ENERGY - The energy that one sends out either intentionally or unintentionally. In magick, it is the energy that is put into an object or thought-form to achieve one's goals. It is also the energy of power objects that repel negative forces by sending out positive energy.

RECEPTIVE ENERGY- The energy that attracts or is magnetic. Gemstones carried to draw in love or wealth have receptive energy.

REINCARNATION- The belief that one has lived before in another lifetime, and that one will live again after physical death.

RUNES - A set of symbols that are used both in divination and magickal workings. These symbols may be engraved in small pieces of wood for divination purposes. Runes that fit one's magickal goals are often carved into candles for candle magick.

MAGIC- Also MAGICK. A conscious direction of will to accomplish a goal. some Witches add the 'K' on the end to differentiate it from stage magic and illusion.

NEO-PAGANISM- A modern Earth Religion which borrows and adapts from the best of pre-Christian Pagan religions, sometimes with additions from contemporary religious thinkers.

SABBATOne of the eight seasonal festivals equally spaced during the year, celebrated by individuals and covens of Witches.

SAMHAIN - The Sabbat now celebrated on Halloween (October 31). This celebration marks the New Year and is a time for remembering the dead and honoring the Crone Goddess. It is also the final festival of the harvest season.

SCRYING - A method of divination in which one gazes at an object (crystal ball, water, candle, mirror) until prophetic visions appear.

SHAMAN - A word derived from the Tungas language of Siberia, it is a generic term for healers and spiritual leaders in tribal societies. Traditional Shamans induced trance states through drums, dancing, ingesting hallucinogens, self mutilation and deprivation and virtually any means by which one might achieve an altered state of consciousness. While in such a trance, the shaman crosses over into another world to get information for his people such as the cause of illnesses and other misfortunes. The Shaman is the peoples' link to the spirit world.

SIGIL - A symbol with some occult meaning that may be used in magickal workings. Often a seal, sign or other drawing, it may be carried or otherwise used to represent and manifest the power or idea symbolized.

SKY CLAD - The act of doing magickal workings or rituals in the nude. It is common in some traditions such as the Alexandrian, as well as among some solitary practitioners, but is much less common than some would believe. Working sky clad does not imply anything sexual, but rather is an attempt to remove all barriers to the energies with which one is working.

SPELL- A magical working directed toward the achievement of some goal such as healing, banishing, changing a condition, etc. Sometimes refers to the verbal part of the ritual.

TALISMAN- An object carried for protection or other goals that has been charged for that purpose. Examples are gemstones, shells, drawings and virtually any small object that one may carry.

TAROT- A set of 78 cards with pictures and symbols that are used for divination by connecting the reader to the subconscious mind. The origin of the cards is not clearly known.

TRADITION- A set of specific rules, guidelines, ideals, and other Magickal information that is common to a path of Witchcraft. Various Traditions include Gardenarian, Alexandrian, Dianic, and Celtic.

TRIPLE GODDESS - The one Goddess that encompasses three aspects, the Maiden, Mother, and Crone.

TOTEM- An object, usually an animal or plant, revered by an individual or a particular social group. A group totem represents the bond of unity and is often considered the ancestor or brother of the group's members; marriage between those of one totem is often prohibited as incest. The group's symbol and protector, the totem may be pictured on the body or masks, or carved on totem poles.

WARLOCK- NOT a male Witch- It's original meaning, derived from the Old English "waer logga," is "oath breaker" and it was used in reference to a traitor to the Craft during the Burning Times.

WHEEL OF THE YEAR - The Pagan calendar of seasonal holidays (Sabbats) which symbolizes the eternal cycle of time. It usually begins with Samhain.

WICCA - A modern tradition of witchcraft based on the old earth religions of Europe. The term comes from an Old English word meaning "to bend or shape" or "to have wisdom."

WIDDERSHINS - Counterclockwise motion used in magical workings or ceremonies. It means to go backward and is sometimes used in banishing magick.

WITCHCRAFT- A magical religion and spirituality with many diverse traditions derived from various cultural sources around which covens and individual practitioners base their practices.

THE CRAFT- A slang term for Witchcraft.

WITCH- One who worships the Goddess, and sometimes also Her Consort, the God; practices magic; and follows the spiritual path of Witchcraft. Witch is a non gender-specific term and refers to both male and female practitioners.

YULE- The Sabbat celebrated on the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year. In some traditions it celebrates the birth of the God and in others the coming birth.

The Runes

The runes are an ancient Germanic alphabet used for many purposes including writing, divination and magick. Mainly used throughout northern Europe at about 100 BCE to 1600CE.
Tacitus, in Chapter X of his Germania, describes a form of divination used by Germanic tribes:
"To divination and casting of lots, they pay attention beyond any other people. Their method of casting lots is a simple one: they cut a branch from a fruit-bearing tree and divide it into small pieces which they mark with certain distinctive signs and scatter at random onto a white cloth. Then, the priest of the community if the lots are consulted publicly, or the father of the family if it is done privately, after invoking the gods and with eyes raised to heaven, picks up three pieces, one at a time, and interprets them according to the signs previously marked upon them."
Runes are an oracle from which you seek advice. It is best if your describe your current situation and ask detailed questions. The reading can be somewhat obscure, they cant imply certain answers, but this is where your intuition kicks in.
Runes are a system of divination which helps you analyse your path which you will take if you continue doing what you would, that is the most probable outcome. The future is not fixed in concrete. It changes all the time, if you don't like the outcome, then take action to change it.
In ancient times, runes were used for divination and magick, in addition to writing. The word "rune" means mystery, secret or whisper. Each rune has esoteric meaning and properties beyond its mundane meaning and phonetic value. Each rune translates into a word or a phrase signifying concepts important to the people of old who used them, representing the forces of nature and mind. Each rune has a story attached to it, a relationship to a deity.
Odin, the Norse High God of the Aesir, hung from the world tree, Yggdrasil, impaled on his own spear, for nine days and nights in order to gain the knowledge of runes. When they appeared below him, he reached down and to pick them up. The runic knowledge gave him power . He later taught this knowledge to the Vanir goddess Freyja. She in return taught him the magic of seithr. Heimdall, the god who guarded the Rainbow Bridge, taught the runes to humans.
Runic alphabets first appeared among German tribes in central and eastern Europe. Some runes symbols were taken from other alphabets such as that of the Greeks, the Etruscans and the Rearly Romans. They were designed to be suitable to carve into wood and stone. The most early runic inscriptions are dated to the late thired century CE, but it is most probable that they have been used long before that.
The Elder Futhark, or the old Germanic alphabet, contains 24 letters divided into three aettrs. The first six runes spell out futhark. as the runes spread further north in Europe, some runes were removed from the alphabet, this reduced it to 16. In about 500CE, thee Germanic tribes invaded Britain. They brought the runes with them and some were changed.
One who aspires to become adept with runes must have some knowledge of the mythology, history, and culture of ancient Europe and Scandinavia. Much of what you find here will merely point you in the right direction. The rest is up to you. Delve as lightly or as deeply as you wish.
I work with the "Elder Futhark" the runic alphabet which is a composite of the symbols most commonly used in northern Europe. The names of the runes of the Elder Futhark are speculative recreations of what linguists call "proto-Germanic" or "Indo-European".


Scrying is a method of divination and takes on many forms. Information received varies with the type of scrying one is using to get answers. Information can be objective, message given that are independing of the scryer - or subjective, determined or influenced by the scryer. Scrying can also be viewed as a form of mediumship, messages allegedly coming from another realm. This all goes to the scrying tool used and the interpretation of the symbol shown. A dream dictionary is often helpful.

As consciousness is evolving, so too are the meanings of the symbols.

Scrying comes from the Old English word descry meaning "to make out dimly" or "to reveal." Adding the prefix/suffix 'be' (often 'gye' in Germanic languages), gives us the modern word 'describe'.

Art of Scrying

Scrying can be an auto-deepening trance process that progresses in stages using tools such as a crystal ball, or other medium. Initially, the medium serves as a focus for the attention, removing unwanted thoughts from the mind in the same way as a mantra. Once this is achieved, the scryer begins a free association with the perceived images suggested, for instance in a crystal ball, by the tiny inclusions, web-like faults and/or the cloudy glow within the ball under low light (i.e. candlelight).

The technique of deliberately looking for and declaring these initial images aloud, however trivial or irrelevant they may seem to the conscious mind, is done with the intent of deepening the trance state, wherein the scryer hears their own disassociated voice affirming what is seen within the concentrated state in a kind of feedback loop. This process culminates in the achievement of a final and desired end stage in which visual images and dramatic stories seem to be projected within the mind's eye of the scryer, like an inner movie. This overall process reputedly allows the scryer to "see" relevant events or images within the chosen medium.

Scrying has been used for thousands of years by different cultures. Ancient Egypt used scrying in their Initiations. This included water scrying, dream scrying, oil scrying, and mirror scrying. One legend states that the goddess Hathor carried a shield that could reflect back all things in their true light. From this shield she allegedly fashioned the first magic mirror to "see."

Ancient Persia -- the Shahnama, a semi-historical epic work written in the late 10th century, gives a description of what was called the Cup of Jamshid, used in pre-Islamic Persia, which was used by wizards and practitioners of the esoteric sciences for observing all the seven layers of the universe.

Ancient Greeks and Celts practiced scrying using beryl, crystal, black glass, polished quartz, water, and other transparent or light catching bodies. Nostradamus is believed to have employed a small bowl of water as a scrying tool into which he gazed and received images of future events. Alchemists Edward Kelley and John Dee employed a form of scrying using a small crystal ball or shewstone - a piece of polished obsidion. The crystal ball and wax tablets used by Dee and Kelley are on display at the British Museum in London.

Scrying is the occult practice of using a medium, most commonly a reflective surface or translucent body, to aid perceived psychic abilities such as clairvoyance. The media often used to "see" are water, polished precious stones, crystal balls, or mirrors. Scrying, in this context, uses a "visual" process. There are some who believe the art of scrying is not limited to the use of "reflective" or "translucent" bodies only, but includes other media. Scrying has been used in many cultures as a means of seeing the past, present, or future; in this sense scrying constitutes a form of divination.

Places of power

Have you noticed that certain places just "feel" better than others and that others make you "feel" uncomfortable? This is because the energy in certain areas has a more harmonious, or positive, reaction with people and the energy in other places can have a negative reaction with people. These effects come from the rocks and earth of the area.

People can effect the energy levels of the area around them (this is easily noticed during spellwork or rituals). If people feel enough negativity in one place the area itself starts to feel bad and the same holds true if people feel enough positive emotion in one area, it will slowly become positively charged. Churches and places of worship are good examples of this. I had the opportunity to visit a concentration camp in what used to be East Germany a few years ago. I could feel the negative energy of the place even as we were driving up to it and that was without even trying. Cleansing an area with sage can often clear negativity, especially if the negativity centers in a room in your home. It isn't quite that easy to cleanse a place such as a large metropolitan area, for example.

Certain areas can have tremendous energy to them. You can often tell when you have found one by a tingling feeling in your hands, feet or face. A few famous examples are Stonehenge and the pyramids, but there are many more places, both large and small, that hold tremendous power. There are many small areas of energy all around, even in your own home. Certain places can be beneficial to all, some just to certain people. Animals and plants are very aware of these power places and will either flock to them or avoid them depending on the types of energies there. These places can magnify your emotions, so be aware of how you are feeling before you visit one. They are also known to balance, energize and heal. However, there are also many places that have the opposite effects, so be careful. What is a good place for one person may not be so for another.

To find a place of power relax, close your eyes, ask your guide to help you and feel for one. Try to sense it either as a sensation on one side of your body or as a glow that you see as you look around with your eyes closed. Open your eyes and move towards the area you sensed the energy from. Repeat this until you find one, i.e. the sensation or glow is all around you. Ask your guide if this is a good place for you or if you should keep searching. If you should keep searching repeat the original steps, but look for a different spot than the one you already found. If it is the right spot for you ask the Earth to let you use the spot and thank her when you are done. Always greet her when you visit it. It is best to do this exercise outside in natural surroundings. If you can do it blindfolded and just feel your way to the spot that would be best. If you do try it blindfolded, have someone you trust with you to keep you from breaking something or falling off a cliff.

Try journeying form the spot you have found and from where you normally work from and feel the difference. You can also try journeying form different areas in you home. Some may have better energy for you than others.

Even if you cannot physically go to your power place, once you have found it you can still benefit from its energies by visiting there in the spirit world or by visualizing it in your mind. Make it a practice to do this until you become comfortable with it. Then when you need a boost your place of power will be a thought away.

You can also create your own place of power that can be used for rituals and journeys. Sites such as these are sometimes called Medicine Wheels. Pick a place that is outdoors if possible, basically flat, and feels right. It can even be at a place of power you have searched for if you can find one that will work. Outline a circle of about eight or nine feet in diameter, or whatever size feels best to you (you might want a larger area if it will be for groups) with natural objects such as stones and pine cones. If you use objects that came from plants, use found objects. Refrain from pulling apart a pine tree just to line a ritual circle. It goes against the entire idea. Smudge the area with sage and mark the center with a firepit or a large stone, or something else that feels right to you. Call upon Earth and Sky as you do this. Place markers such as rocks at the four directions, calling each one as you do. You may also wish to place crystals(two in the center one pointing up, one down, and one at each direction) to amplify the energies. You may also want to place markers at northeast, northwest, southeast and southwest as well. Add whatever other markers or objects you feel necessary.

Balance in All Things

An idea that Wicca has borrowed from the Eastern religions is the idea that the world is made up of opposites. Each and every thing that has meaning is defined by what it is not. In the Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu writes "When the world recognizes beauty, only then does ugliness exist. Only when there is evil can there be good."

What this means is that we must have both in order to understand each separately. If all we ever experienced was light--if the sun always shone and we could never close our eyes--then we would never have dark. Without dark, however, we don't truly understand the nature of light. We take it for granted. So it is true with everything. The only reason we can appreciate the good and kindness in other people is because we know that evil exists and we know what evil is like.

That is what we mean by balance. We accept that all things are dualisitc: they exist as they are, and they exist as the negation of something else. This is important in Wicca because this is how we define our Deity, too: our Deity is made up of all things and their opposites, becuase our Deity is Perfect (as in Complete). Whenever we ignore one aspect of life and only concentrate on its opposite (light instead of dark, good instead of evil, masculine instead of feminine) we are cheating ourelves, because each idea and each reality has something to teach us. We need to learn the lessons of the Goddess in all their forms, not merely the forms which are pleasing to us.

Finding the balance of the masculine and feminine within ourselves can be a very difficult task. For women, it can be a painful process to identify with the masculine qualities we possess because we may feel that the overly masculine tnedencies in our culture have strangled us and hampered our progress as a gender. We may feel that we are doing a disservice to other women when we acknowledge and explore the masculine element within us. For men, tapping in to the feminine energies and tendencies within can be equally as difficult, for we are taught as a society that feminine aspect of life are considered weak, submissive, or even dirty. Men are not supposed to cry. Men are not supposed to be soft or caring. Men are not supposed to express affection for male friends. So within our own bodies we experience a degree of alienation, because whether or not we recognize it, and whether or not we readily accept it, each of us contain elements of the masculine and the feminine to differing degrees. This is how we are created, and to deny even the smallest inkling of that element within ourselves does us a disservive, because it throws is out of balance. Just as we learn to accept our flaws and idiosyncrasies, our inabilities and shortcomings, but also our talents, skills and character, we must accept the feminine and masculine within ourselves in order to truly see the world as a reflection of our inner selves.

The idea of balance has practical applications in life as well. We are supposed to live our lives in balanced ways, so that we do not swing wildly from one extreme to another. With regards to our health, this means maintaining a body weight that is healthy for us, and not constantly gaining or losing weight. With regards to the Earth, this might mean only taking from the Earth what we can immediately use and what can be replensihed in a reasonable amount of time. We do not plunder from the earth and rob her of her gifts, and we do not take from her or each other that which we do not need. These things also require balance.

Politically we tend to swing from one end to the other. We find a cause that we feel passionately about, which is a good thing, but sometimes we go too far in our ardor and we overlook opportunities for compromise, and almost always, compromise creates a pathway towards progress. When we agree to live our lives in a way that promotes balance, we keep our eyes open to the possibility that there are other methods, other venues, other ways of solving a problem.

Excess leads to waste. Our culture is very interested in getting the most for its money, in "getting more than the other guy", even when that situation isn't even necessarily beneficial to us. We live this way without even thinking about the harm that excess can cause. When we keep for ourselves that which we do not need, we may be keeping it from someone who may need it. When we allow ourselves to consume that which we do not need, whether physically, mentally or spiritually, we do ourselves a disservice because we may be hampering our ability to discern exactly what it is that we do need.

The idea of balance in Wicca and Witchcraft is an essential philosophy that goes hand in hand with other base tenets of our beliefs. We take all things in moderation, we recognize that duality of all things, including god and goddess, and we see within ourselves that which is reflected by all that we are, and all that we are not.

Magic By Numbers

1-A I Q J Y
2-B K R
3-C G L S
4-D M T
5-E H N
6-U V W X
7-O Z
8-F P
Take each letter of your name say John Smith for each letter find its designated number. John Smith would be 1+7+5+5+3+4+1+4+5 which equals 35 then 3+5 =8. 8 being John Smiths number.

The colors of magic by number
2-midnight blue
3-moss green
4-peat brown
5-ruby red
6-golden yellow
9-mother of pearl and the color of the moon
10 -sea blue
11 -silver
22- gold

White is for psychic matters and beginning a new phase
Blue is the color of the spirit and represents healing and idealism
 Green is the resting and calming and represents prosperity and fertility.
Brown is a protective shield and denotes natural wisdom and affirmity with nature.
Red is life force vitality power and attracts good luck
Yellow stimulates the mind and represents learning.
Purple is for spiritual strength providing links to higher planes.
Orange is joy optimism and the will to succeed
Black is for retribution and communing with the dead and denotes endings but also the seeds of a new beginning.
Pink is the color of love reconciliation friendship and happieness.
Silver is the color of visions and intutions.
Gold symbolizes great achivemen wealth and longevity.

Each Numbers definition.
1-pioneer,the leader,strong willed and sometimes self centered, also associated with material wealth lonlieness and isolation.
2-passive and receptive,kind and sensisitive but whom often get their own way by general persuasion.
3-potent lucky number,creative, and witty people known to exagerate
4-dependable,loyal hard working,good organizers known as the guardian angels.
5-radical fast moving,curious and impulsivness
6-perfect number represents harmony beauty and sincerity,they are creative and artistic.
7-magical number representing the mystic and scholar have difficulty putting thoughts to words.
8-symbolizes intution,prosperity andorganization,solid strong and fertile.
9-intellectuals and idealists,great strength self discipline,jealous or may be fickle.
11-have a strong vocation for their work and often suffer for the sake of others.
22- this is the master number and incorporates the supreme qualities and attributes of all the other numbers.

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